September 5th was a beautiful day and a convoy of cars from members of the BPS headed to Harrismith in St Philip. It is always amazing that with 15 enthusiastic photographers descending on the same area that there is a wonderful choice of diverse subjects to photograph and produce worthy collections of unique photos covering many aspects of the outing.

Of course, on arriving at Harrismith the first subject to command attention is the imposing, derelict,aged house that was built in the style of a plantation house and which, although it seems to be deteriorating with every visit, still serves as a wonderful backdrop to the breath-taking sight of Bottom Bay and the cliff top pastures.

Room with a view
The members soon immersed themselves in their chosen subjects. And such a choice! Where to start! Some chose the ruins of the house, the old walls, some chose the artistic graffiti and Louis’ enthusiasm at finding spiders on the sea grapes was unmistakeable!

Louis' spider

Sybil setting up for her next shot
Then moving on to the beach views from the cliff top were just beautiful and the steep steps carved out of the coral cliff led down the beach for a closer look. This beach is always changing shape with the seasons and right now the broad stretch of sand did not disappoint. The palm trees by the cliff made for photos of quintessential tropical scenery at its best.

Unmistakably bottom Bay
We are indeed so fortunate in these troubled times to be able to meet up and enjoy photographic outings such as this, in friendship and camaraderie of the Barbados Photographic Society members.

Rupert found his wings at Harrismith
Thank you to the committee and organisers of this photoshoot and I look forward to the next exciting one in the near future.